Case Study of Pallet Covers at CISCO Systems

The world’s leading technology giant and manufacturer of local and external networking devices and network solutions services, CISCO Systems, has made a significant decision to reduce its environmental impact. In 2021, the company opted to use reusable pallet covers as the best option to replace stretch plastic in its pallet packaging operations.

A sustainable solution

In its quest to reduce dependence on single-use plastic, including stretch film, CISCO found reusable pallet covers to be an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative. The initiative came about following a recommendation from a global logistics partner, who introduced CISCO to these innovative covers. The pallet covers, made of ventilated and breathable heavy-duty mesh or opaque vinyl, are designed to be reused up to 2,500 times, which equates to a useful life of approximately three to four years.

The first batch of pallet covers, purchased by CISCO’s logistics partner, has proven to be extremely durable. In their words, «they proved to be very durable and remain in rotation five years after introduction.» These pallet covers were deployed in several CISCO distribution and manufacturing centers globally.

Results and Benefits

  1. Ease of Training and Use:
    • The training necessary for personnel to learn how to use the covers is not complex and does not require a significant investment of time or resources.
    • Pallet covers have proven to be easy to adopt, simplifying the transition process from the use of stretch plastic.
  2. Durability and Reusability
    • The covers have been shown to be extremely durable and reusable under the right conditions, confirming their ability to effectively replace single-use plastic.
  3. Cost and Emissions Reduction:
    • The use of pallet covers has contributed significantly to the reduction of operating costs and CO2 emissions. This measure is aligned with CISCO’s sustainable goals, supporting its commitment to environmental responsibility.

Impact and Future

The adoption of reusable Pallet Covers represents an important step in CISCO’s journey towards a more sustainable and cost-effective operation. This initiative not only reinforces the company’s commitment to reducing plastic use, but also highlights its ability to implement innovative solutions that benefit both the business and the environment.

In summary,

CISCO’s decision to integrate reusable pallet covers into its packaging processes is a clear example of how large corporations can lead the way toward more sustainable and responsible practices. The company continues to evaluate and adopt technologies and methods that not only improve operational efficiency, but also contribute to a greener future for all.
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